And Fran gives her appreciation:
Going through the gate and entering the garden.
Every time I walk through the churchyard at Stanton St John the heavy scent of wildflowers in early summer and the brightness of their fresh colours embrace my senses in anticipation of what will happen next.
The churchyard with its cluster of lichen covered tombstones signals a conscious departure from the material and the process of opening up to different possibilities and perspectives.
The weathered wooden gate concealed in a high stone wall waits to be opened. The soft click of the latch is like the quiet tap of Shiva’s drum starting the rhythmic dance of our day and inviting us towards imaginative contemplation and playfulness.
After the gate a long gentle path arcs slowly round into the garden allowing a few minutes to start relaxing, breathing more slowly and letting go of the physical tensions of the journey from London.
The big old oak tree where we stand together in communion with Nature later in the day, dominates the edge of the wide spacious circular lawn.
The ideas Louanne introduces connect us wholeheartedly with the environment, the space, the Cosmos, Nature and particularly working with the elements of fire and water in the context of Shiva’s dance. The garden she has found holds a precious abundance of these concepts and we spend the day working on increasing this awareness. The long grasses, daisies and poppies dance along with us in the gentle breeze and sunshine as we repeatedly practice long form, short form, Chin Chow and other slow and fast cycles of movement.
Followed by wine & tea in Louanne and Jeremy’s beautiful garden humming with bees.