School Video Classes
Jos Hadfield
Jos Hadfield
Jos reminds us that we have now passed the Summer Solstice, the time of maximum Yang in the year. And that we are now moving into the gathering Yin as summer moves on towards the Autumn.
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Jos Hadfield
Jos reminds us of the need of ‘Light in the darkness’. Jos helps us to practice ways of keeping our gentle flame of Yang bright in this time of Yin.
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Jos Hadfield
Jos focuses on the the theme of “Resting in the body through our tai chi practice to keep more present with all that is going on around, and within, us.”.
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Jos Hadfield
Jos takes us through the idea that, even when we’re struggling, we have a thread that is woven with this about us to create the fabric of life. Using moves of the Form to emphasize the grounding that we need, she rounds it off with a very peaceful Tian Xiao.
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Jos Hadfield
Jos responds to subjects of interest from the group by showing exercises that address issues of anxiety, balance, presence and awareness. Tian Xiao is then gone through as a source for grounding, equanimity and simply being with what is.
Please note, initial Wi-fi disruption soon settles down.
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Jos Hadfield
Jos draws attention to our breath in this class: being conscious of taking breath in and letting it go, to help us relax and become grounded, especially in times of adversity and challenge. She keeps this focus throughout a range of exercises and movements drawn from the Short and Long Forms.
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Jos Hadfield
Jos brings our attention to the notions of space and spaciousness, and through a series of exercises and practices, helps us bring awareness of these notions to all levels of our being.
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Jos Hadfield
Jos reprises and reinforces a range of practices that Tew brought to his retreat on Equanimity and Courage. These practices help us to remain centred and balanced through opening ourselves to connection with Earth (groundedness), Sky (spaciousness), Man-Woman (relationship) and ultimately to the Transcendent (Infinite Compassion).
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Jos Hadfield
Jos gives particular attention to body alignment and proportionality in movement. She carries this awareness into an exploration of the component movements of the brush-knee & press, and repel (quieten) the monkey, sequences. Jos closes her class with Metta Meditation.
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